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| Password Lists & Tools | /Password Utilities Name | Description | List Assist | Password list assistant. I assume this is a pwl list editor and creator. Newer version below. | List Assist 2 | Password list assistant. Pwl list editor and creator. Newer version below. | List Assist 3 | Password list assistant. Pwl list editor and creator. | Raptor 1.46 | VERSION 3 BELOW! Sick ass pwl editor and creator. Kill duplicates, filter for minimum and maximum password lengths, split a pwl into smaller fires, pwl creator and more! MUST HAVE. | Raptor 3 | The old one was a sick ass pwl editor and creator so definitely check this one out. Kill duplicates, filter for minimum and maximum password lengths, split a pwl into smaller fires, pwl creator and more! MUST HAVE. | Password Generator | Password generator. Options include 'Allow spaces, allow lower case, manipulator special characters, mingle numbers 0 to 9 and generate alphabets A to Z. | Password Generator | Password generator. Options include 'Allow spaces, allow lower case, manipulator special characters, mingle numbers 0 to 9 and generate alphabets A to Z. |
/Common Name | Description | Size | aciddr0p Common | This should be a nice common PWL. 474KB | aciddr0p SuperCommon | This should be a nice common PWL. 562KB | Commons.AIM | 7KB common pwl. | CommonNum.Lst | 62kb common pwl. Mostly a 4 digit combo pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. | Midgets Commons | Some dude Midget's common password lists (2). A big and small one. 1kb and 13kb. | [PWL.TXT] Common PWL | Common PWL. 14KB. | [Pwl 1] 40 Word Common | 40 word common pwl. | [PWL 2] Common | This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. | Common-25 | 25 word password list. | Common PWL | Nice common password list. 4KB TXT file. | [PWL 2] Common | This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. | CommonNum.Lst | 62kb common pwl. Mostly a 4 digit combo pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. | Common-p | Small ass common. 7KB | Common | Another small ass common. 6KB |
/Numbers Name | Description | Size | [PWL 2] Common | This password list has 4-16 password lenghts A-Z 1-9. Example: 0000, 00000, 000000 and aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa. 6KB. | Numbers 2 | Number password list from 10,000 to 29,999. 137KB. | Numbers 3 | Number password list from 30,000 to 59,999. 206KB. | Numbers 4 | Number PWL from 60,000 to 69,999. 45KB text file. | Numbers 5 | Number PWL from 70,000 to 99,999. 65KB list. | Number Combos | This zip has 6 password lists. Every 5 digit number combo, every 4 digit number combo and every 1-3 digit number combo. | 4 Digits | Every 4 digit number combo. | 5 Digits | Every 5 digit number combo. | 6 Digits | Every 6 digit number combo. Click here to download this as one PWL. | 10 Digits | Mixed upper and lower case with numbers. Every 10 digit combo. This is between 500k and 1mill passwords. 9.15MB | Numbers via WORDS | Numbers one through one hundred in words. 11.2KB | Numbers w/ Commas | 1-100,000 with commas. Example: 5,000, 5,001, 5,002. 769KB |
/Foreign Languages Name | Description | Size | Meeco's German | Someones personal German pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. | 63KB | Finnish | Another language. | 1,655KB | Czech | Czech words I think. | 1,802KB | Chinese | Chinese list. Make sure you filter out all passwords under 4 characters. | 5KB | Danish | Danish language. Bigger one below. | 279KB | Danish | Danish language. | 4,416KB | Dutch | Dutch langauge. | 2,127 KB | Polish | Nice size Polish list. | 1,106KB | French | French language. Bigger one below | 1,625KB | French 2 | First names. Bigger one above. | 1,965KB | German 2 | German language. | 2,169KB | German 3 | German. | 348KB | Hungarian | Hungarian list. | 187KB | Iliad | 'Proper nouns from the Iliad.' Iliad is a greek poem/ | 10KB | Italian | Italian list. | 608KB | Japanese | Japanese list. | 1,026KB | Koran | Koran is 'the sacred writings of Islam.' | 21KB | Latin | Latin list. | 906KB | Norway (Names?) | 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. | 67KB | Norwegia | Norwegia pwl. | 636KB | Odyssey | 'Proper nounes from the Odyssey.' The odyssey is one of two major Greek epic poems. Some random words in here too. | 5KB | Sindarin | 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' | 6KB | Swahili | Swahili language. | 196KB | Spanish | Spanish list. | 915KB | Swedish | Swedish words. | 115KB | Turkey | Turkish words, could be phrases/people too, no idea. | 238KB | Yiddish/Yinglish | German. 'Yiddish and Yinglish words and phrases, from memory (although really we should have used Leo Rosten's 'The Joy of Yiddish')' | 1KB |
/Names Name | Description | Size | Famous | Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' | 5KB | Colleges | Just Oxford colleges I think. | 2KB | Names | A common pwl mostly made up of peoples names. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. | Last Names | I think this is last names. | 452KB | Last Names | I think this is last names. | 452KB | Virus Names | Computer virus names. | 2KB | First Names | First names. | 18KB | Female Names | Female names from a lot of languages. | 40KB | Finnish First Names | Finnish language first names. | 6KB | Hindu Names | Hindu names. | 7KB | First Names | First names. | 18KB | Male Names | Male names from a lot of different languages. Nice. | 30KB | Actor Surnames | Surnames of actors. | 163KB | Actors | Actor names. | 68KB | Anglo Saxon Surnames | Common Anglo-Saxon surnames. From Bob Baldwins collection from MIT. | 2KB | Chinese Names | Small chinese name list. | 2KB | First Names | Nice first name list, definitely worth grabbing. | 18KB | Last Names | Not sure looks like it might be common/somewhat common last names. | 118KB | Female Names | Female first names. | 40KB | French Female Names | I think this is French female first names; it could be last names too. | 6KB | Norway (Names?) | 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. | 67KB | Names | Names from everywhere both male and female. | 47KB | Statisticians Surnames | Surnames of statisticians. Smaller one below | 344KB | Statician Names | 'Given names of statisticians. | 78KB | Last Names | Last names. | 100KB | Last Names | Common last names. Could be a little bit bigger but nice. | 2KB | Swedish Names | Swedish names. | 220KB | Names | Another name list. | 228KB |
/Fictional, TV, Movies Name | Description | Size | Movie Characters | Movie characters. | 221KB | TV/Movie Characters | Idk I see alot of what appears to be random words in here. Think its TV and movie characters too though, check it out. | 358KB | Movies | Nice. Movie titles, authors and characters. | 2KB | Movies 2 | Always looks like a lot of or mostly random BS but maybe I just dont recognize the stuff in it? Don't think thats it though. | 328KB | Music ! | I think this is the best music PWL on here out of ..5? is it? Might want to remove spaces though with Raptor. | 175KB | Cartoons/Comic Books | 'A collection of characters and titles from comic books' | 2KB | Cartoons/Comics | 'Comic strips from Douglas Krause's files at UCI.' | 3KB | Legends of Charlemagne | 'Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Legends of Charlemagne' | 5KB | Legends of King Arthur | Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Legends of King Arthur. | 9KB | Famous | Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' | 5KB | Bulfinch's Age of Fable | Proper nouns from Bulfinch's Age of Fable: Classic myths. | 13KB | Myths Legends | Beasts and characters fomr AD&D games, Bulfinches Mythology and 'A dictionary of Fabulous Beasts.' Nice I think. | 13KB | Science Fiction | Science fiction characters, authors and books. | 8KB | Tolkien | J. R. R. Tolkien related words/people, not sure exactly. | 5KB | Sindarin | 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' | 6KB |
/Alphabet Name | Description | Size | A | 'A' words password list. | 30KB | B | 'B' words password list. | 22KB | C | 'C' words password list. | 27KB | D | 'D' words password list. 27KB. | 27KB | E | 'E' words password list. | 16KB | F | 'F' words password list. | 16KB | G | 'G' words password list. | 14KB | H | 'H' words password list. | 16KB | I | 'I' words password list. | 11KB | J | 'J' words password list. | 11KB | K | 'K' words password list. | 9KB | L | 'L' words password list. | 14KB | M | 'M' words password list. | 19KB | N | Small 'N' words password list. | 1KB | O | Small 'O' words password list. | 1KB | P | Small 'P' words password list. | 2KB | Q | Small 'Q' words password list. | 1KB | R | Small 'R' words password list. | 1KB | S | Small 'S' words password list. | 2KB | T | Small 'T' words password list. | 1KB | U | Small 'U' words password list. | 1KB | V | Small 'V' words password list. | 1KB | W | Small 'W' words password list. | 1KB | X | Small 'X' words password list. | 1KB | Y | Small 'Y' words password list. | 1KB | Z | Small 'Z' words password list. | 1KB |
/Misc Name | Description | Pwl's | 43 password lists including peoples personal lists they gave out, unix related, german, 'all words,' dogs, peoples names, common(s), and a 6k, 30k, 23k and 32k. | Websters Dictionary | Websters dictionary in PWL form broken into 9 password lists not including 3 for 'obscure terms.' | Cracklib | Nice size password list. 15,944KB | Mat/Slashes 999k | Nice big ass list with duplicates deleted. 5.72MB | Mat/Slashes This is IT | Nice big ass list with duplicates deleted. 1.47MB | Ultimate PWL | Big ass list. 25.9MB | Characters | ~, !, @, etc. 4-16 character passwords all symbols. | Visual Basic | Small Visual Basic related pwl. | THC's PWL | Some dude THC's pwl. 709KB | Hunts List [Removed] | Removed as requested by Hunter. | 6000 | 6000 word password list. | 23000 | 23,000 word password list. | 30,000 | 30,000 word password list. | 32,044 | 32,044 word password list. | 65,536 | 65,536 words. | Pwl | Looks nice. 453KB | Pwl 2 | Looks nice. 246KB | Pwl 3 | I'd use it. 12KB | Pwl 4 | I'd use this too. 12KB | Unix | Unix related password list pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. | Dogs | Dog pwl. Pulled from my 'Pwl's' zip file above. | Abbreviations | Short abbreviation pwl. | HTML | HTML filled PWL. 33KB. | Colors (Lowercase) | 2KB lowercase colors pwl. | Colors (Uppercase) | 2KB uppercase colors pwl. | Countries | Countries pwl. | L33t | Pwl with 'leet' words in it I guess? | US States | US states pwl. | 10 Character Random | 54kb 10 character passwords only. Looks like a random 10 chr pwl. | 16 Character Random | Looks like same deal as above but with 16 character passwords. 92KB text file. | 4 Character Random | Same deal as above with 4 character passwords. Small ass list..2KB. No idea why. | 5 Character Random | Again no idea why..small ass 3kb random 5 character list. | 6 Character Random | Small ass random 6 character pwl. 2KB. | 8 Character Random | Random 8 character list. 31KB. | 9 Character Random | Small 9 character random password list . 4KB. | Other PWL 1 | Password list. 187KB. | Other PWL 2+3 | PWL. 31KB. | Other PWL 4 | PWL. 6KB. | Other PWL 5 | PWL. 65KB. | Acr Index | Acr Index of Pathology Codes. 33KB. | 32KB | Acr Index | Acr Index of Pathology Codes. 33KB. | 32KB | Aeneid Nouns | Looks like an OK list. Not sure about the above one. Proper nouns from the Aeneid (plus a little more). | 12KB | Alage | Algae. | 32KB | All Words | 'All words.' I see all 4 number digit combo's too. | 467KB | Asteroids | Asteroid names. | 32KB | Bacteria | 'Some bacteria.' | 88KB | Biology | Biologic terms. | 1KB | Virus Names | Computer virus names. | 2KB | Dog | Dog related terms. | 3KB | Drugs | Drug terms. | 21KB | Congress | Idk why this is called congress, it looks like a bunch of names. Maybe its people that are/were part of congress? | 6KB | English | Nice little english language list. Bigger one below | 520KB | English 2 | English words. | 4,787KB | Etc Hosts | 'The /etc/hosts file, with some severe hacking done to it.' No idea. | 116KB | Ethnolog | N/A | 343KB | Famous | Various famous people. 'From Bob Baldwin's collection from MIT.' | 5KB | Fungi | Fungi. | 158KB | Hosts | Not sure. Common host names? 'The /etc/hosts file, with some severe hacking done to it.' | 116KB | Hosts | Not sure. Common host names? | 158KB | Inet Mac | 'Internet hostnames used more than once, without digit, _, -' | 395KB | Junk | Junk words? Wtf? | 72KB | King James Bible | No idea why I'm posting this. 'From the on-line version of the King James bible, acquired by doing: 'cat KJbible/* | tr -cs A-Za-z '012' | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq' | 117KB | Decent List | Looks like a decent list. | 20KB | Literature | Literature. | 143KB | Microalg | Some microalgae. | 8KB | Misc Dictionary | Misc random dictionary words with names | 3,649KB | Music | The list itself states 'From a CD catalog. Artists, composers, groups, record labels, etc.' I think I'd go with 'Music !.' | 180KB | Music 2 | Looks like the same shit just smaller than the one above. With how..broad? the pwl above looks, I'd check this one out I think if either. Id go with 'Music !' | 22KB | Music 3 | This one looks better than the above 2 lets see if I can find better. Id go with this one or 'Music !' | 60KB | Music 4 | I'd go with this one or 'Music !' | 17KB | Music 5 | Might be your best bet depending on the speed of your cracker if you need music related. 'Music !' might definitely be better. | 584KB | Norway (Names?) | 'Generated from a list of 7385 usernames from computers in Norway.' Nice. | 67KB | Norse | I'm pretty sure this is words related to Mythology again. | 4KB | Numbers(words also)/Birthdates | Nice list. All of th numbers from 1-100 in digits and words as well as a bunch of 'likely birth years.' | 4KB | Oz | Looks like it might have been a decent list so I added it. Just random words. | 16KB | Phrases | 'All manner of quick sayings and phrases and easy to type/common passwords.' Looks like it might be nice. | 10KB | Places | Locations and cities as well as terms to describe their citizens (i.e. spain, spanish, spaniard). | 7KB | Places 2 | Nice size list of countries and so forth. | 264KB | Python | Looked like an okay list and it was perfectly sized for VB crackers so I added it. | 32KB | Random | Random password list. | 811KB | Religion | Religions list. | 127KB | Russian/Alt Codes | All 'alt codes.' | 314KB | Science | Scientific words/people. | 382KB | Science | Nice size list of countries and so forth. | 264KB | Shakespeare/Complete Moby | 'Cast of characters from The Complete Moby Shakespeare.' | 3KB | Shakespeare 2? | 'A list of both dramatis personae and locations from the collected works of the Bard.' | 7KB | Sindarin | 'Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age.' | 6KB | Sports | 'Sports, slang, teams and devices.' | 3KB | Technical | Words 'from a technical dictionary.' | 62KB | Tolkien | J. R. R. Tolkien related words/people, not sure exactly. | 5KB | Turkey | Turkish words, could be phrases/people too, no idea. | 238KB | US Counties | US county list. | 15KB | US Cities/Towns/Places | Looks like a bunch of towns/cities, might be counties and stuff too, check it out. | 165KB | Usenet | 'From usenet address list.' | 813KB | Usenet 2 | 'From usenet address list.' | 367KB | Usenet 3 | 'From usenet address list.' | 995KB | Uunet | Looks like a nice password list. Says its from | 19KB |