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Table of Contents
- 59.2.1 Diplomatic correspondence
- 59.2.2 Consular correspondence
- 59.2.3 Miscellaneous correspondence
- 59.2.4 Numerical and minor files
- 59.2.5 Decimal file
- 59.2.6 Subject-numeric file
- 59.3.1 Records of Secretaries of State and principal officers of the Department of State
- 59.3.2 Records of administrative offices
- 59.3.3 Records of offices responsible for inter-American affairs
- 59.3.4 Records of offices responsible for European affairs
- 59.3.5 Records of offices responsible for Near Eastern, SouthAsian, and African affairs
- 59.3.6 Records of offices responsible for Far Eastern and Pacific affairs
- 59.3.7 Records of offices responsible for economic affairs
- 59.3.8 Records of offices responsible for the affairs ofinternational organizations
- 59.3.9 Records of offices responsible for cultural affairs,history, intelligence, and public information
- 59.3.10 Records of the Geographer
- 59.3.11 Records of other organizational units in the Department of State
- 59.4.1 Administrative records
- 59.4.2 Records relating to appointments and commissions
- 59.4.3 Territorial papers
- 59.4.4 Records relating to treaties
- 59.4.5 Miscellaneous records relating to functions
- 59.5.1 Records relating to commissions, missions, and committees
- 59.5.2 Miscellaneous records
- 59.5.3 Records relating to individual Presidents oradministrations
Established: By an act of September 15, 1789 (1 Stat. 68).
Predecessor Agencies:
- Department of Foreign Affairs (July-Sept. 1789)
Functions: Advises the President in the formulation and executionof foreign policy. Conducts the foreign relations of the UnitedStates. Preserves the Great Seal of the United States.Commissions Presidential appointees to various federal offices.Formerly published laws, maintained custody of federal records,and administered the territories.
Finding Aids: Download primalforms community edition. Staff of the Office of the National Archives,comps., Inventory of the General Records of the Department ofState, 1789-1949, Inv. 15 (Microfiche Edition, 1992).
Microfilm Publications: There are microfilm publications for themain series of central files, 1784-1910; portions of the centraldecimal files, 1910-49; several small series of records; andfinding aids. For listings of these microfilm publications,please consult Diplomatic Records: A Select Catalog of NationalArchives Microfilm Publications (1986).
Security-Classified Records: This record group may includematerial that is security-classified.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Departmentof State in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
General Records of the U.S. Government, RG 11.
Records of International Conferences, Commissions, andExpositions, RG 43.
Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations, RG76.
Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State,RG 84.
Records of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, RG 256.
Records of the Agency for International Development, RG 286.
Records of the U.S. Information Agency, RG 306.
Records of Interdepartmental and Intradepartmental Committees(State Department), RG 353.
Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and theConstitutional Convention, RG 360.
Records of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, RG 383.
Records of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, RG 466.
Records of U.S. Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1948-1961, RG 469.
History: Department of Foreign Affairs established by an act ofJuly 27, 1789 (1 Stat. 28). Redesignated Department of State,1789. SEE 59.1.
59.2.1 Diplomatic correspondence
Textual Records: Diplomatic instructions, 1785-1906 (214 vols.),with registers, 1831-49, 1865-77. Diplomatic dispatches, 1789-1906 (2,202 vols.), with registers (58 vols.) and registerindexes, 1789-1870. Notes to foreign missions, 1793-1906 (137vols.). Notes from foreign missions, 1789-1906 (871 vols.), withindexes, 1812-70. Registers of diplomatic instructions and notesto foreign missions, 1870-1906. Records of and relating tospecial agents, missions, and commissions, includinginstructions, dispatches, and correspondence, 1794-1906.Ceremonial letters, 1829-77. Communications from heads of state,1778-1903 (24 vols.). Letters of credence, 1789-1906. Correspondence of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson and Secretary-of-State Dean Rusk with various heads of state or their chief ministers, 1961-66. Presidential and Secretary of state correspondence with heads of state, 1961-71.
Finding Aids: Natalia Summers, comp., List of Documents Relatingto Special Agents of the Department of State, 1789-1906, SL 7(1951).
59.2.2 Consular correspondence
Textual Records: Consular instructions, 1800-1906 (201 vols.),with registers, 1800-17, 1833-74. Consular dispatches, 1789-1906(3,528 vols.), with registers (53 vols.) and indexes, 1836-53.Notes to foreign consuls, 1853-1906, with registers, 1853-70.Notes from foreign consuls, 1789-1906 (17 vols.). Registers ofinstructions to consuls and notes to foreign consuls, 1870-1906(12 vols.). Registers of consular dispatches, 1870-1906 (14vols.).
59.2.3 Miscellaneous correspondence
Textual Records: Domestic letters sent, 1784-98, 1803-1906 (292vols.), with indexes, 1802-11, 1840-1906 (15 vols.).Miscellaneous letters received, 1789-1906 (1,533 vols.), withcalendars, 1789-1825; registers, 1817-60 (34 vols.); and indexes,1837-1906 (46 vols.). Card index to correspondence regardingclaims, 1794-1906. Correspondence with the President andCongress, 1789-1906 (25 vols.). Letters and reports on seamen,1817-50. Correspondence regarding publishers of the laws, 1789-1875. Reports of district courts, 1827-46. Miscellaneouspetitions and memorials, 1849-1905. Messages of condolence, 1865-1906. Correspondence on official ceremonies and visits, 1902.
Finding Aids: Department of State, Calendar of the MiscellaneousLetters Received by the Department of State from the Organizationof the Government to 1820 (1897).
59.2.4 Numerical and minor files
Textual Records: Numerical file, 1906-10 (1,172 vols., 212 ft.),with list of documents ('Purport List,' 18 ft.) and card index(75 ft.). Minor file, 1906-10 (62 vols., 10 ft.), with indexinterfiled in numerical file card index.
Microfilm Publications: M862.
59.2.5 Decimal file
Textual Records: Decimal file, 1910-January 1963 (18,083 ft.),with lists of documents ('Purport Books' and 'Purport Cards'),1910-49 (1,371 ft.); a name index, 1910-49 (1,444 ft.); and anindex to communications sent and received ('Source Cards'), 1910-49 (2,178 ft.). Index to central ('Decimal File') foreign policy file, 1964-73.
Finding Aids: For decimal file records, 1910-49, SEE theDepartment of State's Classification of Correspondence, 1938. Fordecimal file records, 1950-January 1963, SEE the Department ofState's Records Codification Manual, 1955.
59.2.6 Subject-numeric file
Textual Records: Subject-numeric file, February-December 1963(511 ft.).
59.3.1 Records of Secretaries of State and principal officers of
the Department of State
Textual Records: Miscellaneous records of Secretaries andUndersecretaries of State, including those of James Monroe, 1818-24; Henry Clay, 1825-29; William Jennings Bryan, 1913-15; RobertLansing, 1915-18; Henry L. Stimson, 1925-32; and EdwardStettinius, Jr., 1944-45. Correspondence of Reciprocity Commissioner John A. Kasson relating to reciprocity treaties, 1892-1908. Files of Francis White, Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs (1927-33), 1901-38 (in Hoover Library). Records of Special Assistant to the Secretary of State Leo Pasvolsky, 1938-45. Records of Under Secretary of State Dean Acheson, 1941-50. Records of Archibald MacLeish, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, 1944-45. Records of Ambassador John M. Cabot, 1945-63. Records of Robert W. Komer, 1948-68. Records of Assistant Secretary Philander P. Claxton, 1950-66. Records of Ambassador Joseph C. Satterthwaite, 1953-72. Records of the Office of the Counselor, Helmut C. Sonnenfeldt, 1955-77. Records of the Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, 1958-66. Records of Ambassador-at-Large Llewellyn E. Thompson, 1961-70. Records collected by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Affairs, 1961-71. Records of Deputy Assistant Secretary Richard N. Gardner, 1961-65. Official correspondence of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs J. Robert Schaetzel, 1961-66. Records of Under Secretary of State George W. Ball, 1961-66. Organization files of the Office of the Inspector General for Foreign Assistance, 1961-62. Speeches and Statements by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961-1969. White House Correspondence Files, 1961-69. Transcripts of telephone calls made and received by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961-69. Miscellaneous subject file of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961-68. Chronological files of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961. Miscellaneous correspondence of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961-68. Records of Ambassador-At-Large Ellsworth Bunker, 1962-67. Final Report on Mid-East Military Games - Phillips Talbot, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1962. Chronological files of Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs Foy B. Kohler, 1966-67. Files of Ambassador-At-Large Averell Harriman, 1967-68. Transcripts of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's Staff Meetings, 1973-77. Records of Deputy Secretary of State Charles W. Robinson, 1976-77. Records of Deputy Secretary of State Charles W. Robinson, 1976-77.
59.3.2 Records of administrative offices
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Chief Clerk, 1873-1941. Records (mainly investigatory) of the Office of theCounselor and of the Chief Special Agent, 1915-28, including ageneral file, 1916-28, with a microfilm copy of the index (21rolls). Records of the Foreign Permits Office, 1918-20. Recordsof the Office of the Solicitor regarding United States-Spanishclaims, 1927-31. Records of the Executive Secretariat, includingrecords of the Office of Coordination and Review, 1892-1942.Records of the Bureau of Accounts and of the Office of Budget andPlanning and its predecessors (633 vols.), 1782-1949. Records ofthe Bureau of Rolls and Library, 1756-1930. Records of theForeign Service Personnel Board, 1914-18, 1924-46. Records of theBoard of Examiners, 1853-1925. Records of the Foreign ServiceSchool, 1909, 1925-26. Reports of the Board of Review of ForeignService Personnel, 1921, 1925-27. Records of the PassportDivision and field offices, 1790-1917, including passportapplications, 1795-1905. Decimal files of the Passport Division,1910-49; and passport applications, consular registrations, andindexes, 1906-25. Decimal files of the Visa Division, 1910-49,1955-59; visa name files, 1914-40; and procedural correspondence,1910-31. Records of the Bureau of Accounts and of the Office of Budget and Planning and its predecessors (633 vols.), 1782-1949. Records of the Bureau of Rolls and Library, 1756-1930. Records of the Office of Coordination and Review, 1892-1942. Organizational files of the Executive Secretariat, 1944-71; Records of the Executive Secretariat, 1945-1976; conference files, 1949-72; Records relating to the Vital Records Program for Emergency Planning, 1950-67; policy and history File, 1950-66; briefing books, reports, and minutes, 1952-66; the Secretary's and the Under Secretary's memorandums of conversation, 1953-1964; memoranda of conversation between the President and foreign leaders, 1956-64; Presidential memorandums of conversation, 1956-64; restricted data files relating to nuclear matters and issues, 1957-67; briefing books, 1958-76; National Security Council (NSC) meeting files and policy reports, 1959-66; records relating to presidential transitions, 1959-77; multilateral force documents, 1960-65; special disarmament talks summary, 1960; policy guidelines, 1961-66; White House correspondence files, 1961-69; records of the NSC, 1961-72; NSC action memo files, 1961-68; Presidential and Secretary of State correspondence with heads of state, 1961-71; Operations Center watch logs, 1961-75; follow-up reports on national security actions, 1961-65; records of the special group (counter Insurgency), 1962-66; politico military contingency planing files, 1963-66; historical reports related to diplomacy during the Lyndon Johnson Administration, 1963-69; White House and agency files, 1963-67; President's evening reading reports, 1964-74; records relating to the Committee of the Principals, 1964-66; memorandums of the Executive Secretariat, 1964-76; press contact reports for principals, 1965-69; records relating to the Acheson-NATO exercises, 1966; senior interdepartmental group files, 1966-69; weekly focus reports, 1966-71; policy correspondence files, 1966; briefing Books for Secretary-of-State Designate, William P. Rogers, 1968; transcripts of the Paris meetings on Vietnam, 1968-72; policy summaries for U.S. Delegations, 1969. records of the Historical Office research projects, 1969-74; correspondence of Richard Nixon with American ambassadors, 1969-71; central files on NSC Matters, 1969-72; summary of the Under Secretary's meetings with the National Security advisor, 1970-72; morning summary of significant reports, 1971-74; daily activity report from principal officials, 1973-76; special correspondence of Secretary Kissinger, 1974; daily reports, 1975.
Photographs (444 images): German propaganda relating to theBalkans, obtained by the Office of the Counselor, 1916 (GP, 59images). Japanese repatriation activities and the SS Gripsholm,from the Office of Controls, 1943-49 (RAG, 385 images). SEE ALSO59.9.
Photographs and Drawings (462 images): Various subjects andindividuals, 1850-1930 (M). SEE ALSO 59.9.
Posters (20 items): Liberty Loan drive, from the Bureau of Rollsand Library, 1918 (WP). SEE ALSO 59.9.
59.3.3 Records of offices responsible for inter-American affairs
Textual Records: Records of the Office of American RepublicAffairs, 1905-51. Files of Francis White, Assistant Secretary ofState for Latin American Affairs (1927-33), 1901-38 (in HooverLibrary). Records of the Office of South American Affairs, 1934-53. Records relating to Mexico, 1938-63. Records relating to Inter-American Organizations and Conferences, 1945-56. Records relating to Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti, 1947-60. Records relating to the Inter-American Juridical Committee, the Inter-American Peace Committee and special political problems, 1948-55. Records of the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, 1954-62. subject files relating to the Dominican Republic Crises, 1965-66.
59.3.4 Records of offices responsible for European affairs
Atomic Action Records
Textual Records: Records of the Division of Eastern EuropeanAffairs relating to the Baltic and the USSR, 1917-41. Files of H.Freeman Matthews and John D. Hickerson, Office of EuropeanAffairs, 1934-47. Records of the Office of Western EuropeanAffairs relating to Italy, 1943-51. Records relating to Italy, 1943-68. Records of the Division of Central European Affairs, 1944-53. Records relating to Soviet-U.S. Relations, 1945-66. Bureau of European Affairs checklist, 1950-74. Records relating to psychological warfare, 1951-53. Records relating to the economy and defense of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1953-61. Records relating to the negotiations of the Status of Forces agreement with Germany, 1954-59. Records relating to the Federal Republic of Germany, 1954-67. Subject files of UN advisor and policy planning officer for the Bureau of European Affairs, 1955-65. Subject file of the labor advisor for the Bureau of European Affairs, 1955-71. Records relating to Spain, 1956-66. Records relating to Canadian economic matters, 1956-66. Records relating to Austria, 1957-64. Records relating to Poland, 1957-66. Records relating to Berlin and East German affairs, 1957-68. Records relating to Portugal, 1957-66. Records relating to Canadian political matters, 1957-66. Records relating to NATO political affairs, 1957-66. Records relating to Swedish affairs, 1958-64. Records relating to Greece, 1958-67. Records relating to European economic development, 1959-67. Records relating to the RB-47 and U-2 incidents, 1960-62. Records relating to the steering group on implementation of the Nassau Decision, 1960-63. Records relating to Bulgaria and Romania, 1960-65. Records relating to Belgium, 1961-65. Records of the Multilateral Force Negotiating Team, 1961-66. Records relating to European integration, 1962-66. Chronological files relating to US efforts to create the Multilateral Nuclear Naval Force, 1963-65. Records relating to Czechoslovakia, 1963-64. Conference Documents: Trilateral Talks, November 9 -10, 1966. Records Relating to the Acheson-NATO Exercise, 1966. Czechoslovak Crisis Files, 1968. Records relating to United States-United Kingdom crises communication, 1968-77.
59.3.5 Records of offices responsible for Near Eastern, South
Asian, and African affairs
Textual Records: Records of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1937-53. Records of the Office of African Affairs, 1943-49. Records of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, 1945-50. Records of the Office of Near Eastern Affairs, 1946-49. Records relating to Refugee Matters and Jordan Waters, 1949-68. Records relating to the Congo, Belgium, and other select countries and subjects, 1949-67. Records relating to regional matters in Near Eastern and South Asian Counties, 1953-66. Records relating to the Near East arms initiative, 1953-64. Records relating to Arabian peninsula affairs, 1954-66. Records relating to United Arab Republic affairs, 1955-66. Records relating to the Central Treaty Organization, 1956-65. Subject files on issues relating to the Middle East, 1956-66. Subject files relating to the administration of consulates and embassies, 1958-66. Records of the Bureau of African Affairs, 1958-66. Records relating to Turkey, 1959-67. Records of G. Mennen Williams, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, 1961-66. Records relating to general Middle East Matters, 1962-66. Records relating to Israel, 1957-67. Top secret files relating to politico-military games in the Middle East, 1962. Records relating to Iran, 1962-67. Records relating to Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, 1962-64. Records relating to Cyprus, 1962-66. Records relating to Lebanon, 1962-64. Records relating to Iraq, 1963-64. Records relating to Syria, 1963-64. Records relating to Jordan, 1964. Records relating to Arab economic matters, 1964. Records relating to petroleum in the Middle East, 1964-66. Subject files relating to issues in Israel, United Arab Republics, India, and Pakistan, 1965-66. Top secret records of the Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1965-73. Middle East Crisis files, 1967. Cyprus Crisis files, 1967. Correspondence of Christopher Van Hollen, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, 1969-72.
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Textual Records: Records of the Philippine and Southeast Asia Divisions, 1929-53. Records of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs, 1932-41. Records of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, 1942-58. Records of the Division of Chinese Affairs, 1944-50. Central File of the Office of East Asian Affairs, 1947-64. Historical Reports relating to China and Sri Lanka, 1949-76. Records relating to Kashmir, 1950-64. Records relating to Korea, 1952-66. Subject files relating to U.S. policy toward communism in the Far East, 1953-65. Top secret files relating to the Republic of China, 1954-65. Records relating to Japan, 1955-66. Records relating to John B. Hollister's trip to Southeast Asia, 1955. Records relating to Australia, New Zealand, and Southwest Pacific Islands, 1958-66. Briefing books relating to the Vietnam situation, 1961-66. Records relating to Laos, 1962-66. Records relating to Ceylon, 1962-64. Records relating to Iran, 1962-67. Records relating to the Republic of China, 1963-66. Records relating to Indonesia, 1963-66. Records relating to Nepal, 1963-66. Records relating to the economic and political affairs of India, 1963-66. Subject files of the Vietnam Working Group, 1963-66. Records relating to Malaysia and Singapore, 1963-66. Subject file of U.S. foreign policy in Asia, 1964-66. Records relating to Burma, 1964-66. Records relating to the Philippines, 1964-66. Records relating to Thailand, 1964-66. Subject files of the Regional Office for Far Eastern Affairs, 1964-66. Records relating to Vietnam, 1964-67. Records relating to Communist China, 1964-66. Records Relating to Cambodia, 1964-67. Records relating to U.S. and British cargo seized by India and Pakistan, 1965-67. Records relating to North Korea, Japan, and the Republic of China, 1966. Vietnam prisoner of war and missing in action files, 1966-1979. Korean crises ('Pueblo Crisis') files, 1968.
59.3.7 Records of offices responsible for economic affairs
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Economic Adviser, 1911-29. Records of the Division of Commercial Affairs, including consular trade reports, 1925-50, with a microfilm copy of those reports for the period 1943-49 (681 rolls); and political reports, 1925-35. Records of the Office of International Trade Policy, 1940-49. Records relating to commercial arbitration, 1943-62. Records of the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, 1944-50. Files of the Assistant Secretaries of State for Economic Affairs, 1944-48 (in Truman Library). Records of the Office of Economic Security Policy, 1945-47. Records relating to economic aid programs, 1946-49. Records relating to participation in economic defense organizations, 1951-55. Records relating to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and its Economic Assistance Committee, 1959-66. Minutes of economic staff meetings, 1960-69. Daily economic summary, 1961-70.
Maps (220 items): Enclosures to consular trade reports describedabove, relating to natural resources, mining, and other economicactivities in foreign countries, 1943-49. SEE ALSO 59.6.
Photographs and Drawings (990 images): Enclosures to consulartrade reports described above, 1943-49 (CTR). SEE ALSO 59.9.
59.3.8 Records of offices responsible for the affairs ofinternational organizations
Textual Records: Records of Harley A. Notter, adviser for United Nations Affairs, 1939-50 (including 14 rolls of microfilm). Records Relating to the International Labor Organization, 1932-51. Records of the Office of United Nations Affairs, 1940-54, which include files of Alger Hiss, 1940-46; files of Herbert A. Fierst, Special Assistant to the Director of the Office of United Nations Affairs, 1946-54; and a Palestinian subject file, 1946-49. . Records Relating to the Red Cross and Geneva Conventions, 1941-67. Records of the Division of International Conferences, 1944-47. Records of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs and its predecessors, 1945-74; Conference documents: trilateral talks, November 9-10, 1966. Records relating to international labor matters, 1948-70. Records relating to select countries and a subjects, 1949-67. Position papers for United States delegations to the United Nations, 1953-65. Subject files of the Office of International Security Policy and Planning, 1969-71. Records of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, 1971-72.
Photographs (1,800 images): Officials, guests, andrepresentatives at seminars, conferences, and committee meetingsof the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO), compiled by the UNESCO Public RelationsStaff, 1945-51 (UNP). SEE ALSO 59.9.
59.3.9 Records of offices responsible for cultural affairs,
history, intelligence, and public information
Textual Records: Records of the Division of Communications and Records, 1894-1937. Records of the Office of News and its predecessors, 1895-1965. Records of the Division of Current Information, 1895-1975. Records of the Bureau of Public Affairs, 1912-92. Press releases, 1912-90. Transcripts of press conferences, 1929-92. Records of the War History Branch, 1938-50. Record set of volumes entitled American Foreign Policy, 1941-93. Records of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 1941-71. Subject files of the Assistant Legal Advisor for Cultural Relations and Public Affairs, 1943-72. Special studies and reports, compiled by the Division of Historical Policy Research, 1944-50. Records relating to public affairs activities, 1944-64. Issues of 'Current Foreign Relations,' 1944-75. Records relating to the German Documents Projects, !944-83. Records of the general manager of the International Information and Educational Exchange Program, 1945-52. Records of the director of the Office of Public Affairs, 1945-53. Records of the Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold, 1946-98. Records of the assistant secretary for public affairs, 1949-53. Records of the Division of International Broadcasting, 1949-50. Records relating to fairs and expositions, 1958-65 Multi-Lateral Force documents, 1960-65. Records relating to foreign policy briefing conferences, 1961-62. Records of the assistant secretary for public affairs, 1961-65. Transcript of British Guiana Commission of Inquiry, 1962. Press contacts reports to the White House from principals, 1965-69. Transcripts of special press briefings, 1982-89. Speeches, discussions, and testimonies relating to current policies, 1984-88. Records of the Office of Public Communications, 1984-94. Issues of the newsletter Update, 1988-90. Regional briefs, 1988-90. Issues of the public information series, 1989-91. Miscellaneous publications, 1989-93. Chronological data sheets, 1990-93. Press information kits, 1990-93. U.S. Department of State site information sheets, 1990-93. Issues of the newsletter Gist, 1990-93. Issues of the weekly U.S. Department of State Dispatch, 1990-94. Background information packages, 1991.
Motion Pictures (60 reels): Office of War Information (OWI)films, 1942-45, maintained by the Division of InternationalMotion Pictures of OWI successor, the Office of InternationalInformation. SEE ALSO 59.7.
Sound Recordings (31,509 items): Overseas broadcasts, 1946-52,maintained by the Division of International Broadcasting of theOffice of Information and Educational Exchange as successor toOverseas Branch, OWI. SEE ALSO 59.8.
Photographs (3,220 images): Compiled by the Office of News andits predecessors, showing State Department officials, foreigndiplomats, ceremonies, and conferences, 1943-56 (JB, 1,600images); and views of Vice President Richard M. Nixon's Far Easttrip, 1953 (VPT, 1,620 images). SEE ALSO 59.9.
Photographs and Drawings (1,070 images): Compiled by the Divisionof Historical Policy Research and its predecessors, showingAmerican statesmen, 1774-1912 (SP, 257 images); prefederallegislators, 1774-89 (LP, 81 images); U.S. Presidents, 1789-1932(PP, 29 images); President Warren G. Harding and cabinet andtheir wives, 1921 (PC, 19 images); presiding officers of theSenate, 1789-1901 (PS, 40 images); diplomatic and internationalrelations events, 1783-1955 (DA, 250 images); historic buildings,1870-80 (HB, 24 images); and foreign scenes, received from U.S.consular and diplomatic representatives, 1915-43 (BF, 370images). SEE ALSO 59.9.
Photographs and Posters (2,100 images): Compiled by the Office ofInternational Information for distribution at foreign informationcenters, showing life in the United States and notable Americans,1946-51 (FNL, 500 images); and U.S. housing projects, 1938-50(HP, 1,600 images).
59.3.10 Records of the Geographer
Textual Records (in College Park): Records relating to the Arctic and Antarctica, 1912-65. Accompanying the maps described below, and consisting of files of Geographers Lawrence Martin, 1920-24, and S.W. Boggs, 1924-54, which include correspondence and diaries; worksheets compiled during Works Progress Administration research projects relating to 19th century sightings of islands in the Central Pacific; a bibliography on polar regions, American possessions, and international boundaries; and World War II ship sinkings. Accompanying the maps described below, and consisting of records of participation by the Division of Map Intelligence and Cartography in the Inter-American Geodetic Survey and other committees on international map standardization and coordination, ca. 1943-52. Records relating to Antarctica and Antarctic exploration, 1930-55. Records relating to Pacific Islands exploration and sovereignty claims, 1934-54.
Maps (2,458 items): Numerical map file published under thedirection of the Geographer, mostly under the imprint of theDivision of Geography and Cartography and the Division of MapIntelligence and Cartography, relating to internationalboundaries and territorial problems; World War II zones ofoccupation; population, ethnic groups, religions, and industriesin Europe, Asia, and the Middle East; locations of U.S. ForeignService posts; and organization of State Department offices andinternational agencies, 1942-58 (924 items). Published World WarII map studies similar to the numerical map file described above,but arranged by country, area, or subject, for use during peaceconferences, 1942-45 (1,090 items). Unnumbered maps of foreignareas prepared under the direction of the Geographer, 1923-47 (18items). An atlas and gazetteer of Japan, 1946-47 (47 items). Maptransparencies, slides, and a globe from the files of S.W. Boggs,1938-47 (65 items). Intelligence reports, with maps anddescriptive text, relating to map coverage and politicalboundaries of foreign countries, 1946-47 (10 items). Map-illustrated publications, including Geographic Bulletin,Geographic Notes, and International Boundary Studies, 1961-77(300 items). Published world maps showing locations of ForeignService posts and Department of State jurisdictions, 1964-74 (4items). SEE ALSO 59.6.
59.3.11 Records of other organizational units in the Department
of State
Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Commissioner of Immigration, 1864-67. Records of U.S. Government dispatch agents, 1864-1928. Records of the Chief of Protocol, 1898-1963. Records of the Foreign Service Buildings Office, 1900-48. Records of the State Department representative on the Federal Traffic Board, 1921-26. Records of the Division of Defense Materials, 1939-46. Records of the Shipping Division of the Office of Transport and Communications Policy, 1940-48. Records of the Director General of the Foreign Service, Special Assistant for Employment Practices, 1943-66. Records of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1945-49. Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Occupied Areas, 1946-49. Office Files of the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, 1949-59. Subject Files of the Special Assistant for Atomic Energy and Aerospace, 1950-66. Bureau of Intelligence and Research-morning briefs, 1959-71. Bureau of International Scientific and Technological Affairs - miscellaneous files, 1959-67. Miscellaneous records of the Policy Planning Staff, 1959-70. Bureau of Economic Affairs-minutes of staff meetings, 1960-69. Organization files of the Office of the Inspector General-foreign assistance, 1961-62. Records relating to disarmament and arms control, 1961-66. Subject files of the Combined Policy Office, 1961-66. Bureau of Intelligence and Research - subject files of the deputy director, 1962-65. Bureau of Intelligence and Research - transcript of British Guiana Commission of Inquiry, 1962. Office files of the Office of Operations, 1962-66. Subject and Country files of the Policy and Planning Staff, 1962-70. Records of the Policy and Planning Council, 1962-70. Subject files of the Office of Operations, 1964-66. Files of the Director (Winston Lord) Policy and Planning Staff, 1967-77. Subject files of the Office of International Security, Policy, and Planning, 1969-71. Records of the Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs.
Motion Pictures (1 item): Swords into Plowshares, documenting thework of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner in Italy, 1946. SEEALSO 59.7.
Photographs (3,000 images): War surplus and Lend-Lease materials,compiled by the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 1945-49 (TLC).SEE ALSO 59.9.
59.4.1 Administrative records
Textual Records: Circulars, regulations, and orders issued by theSecretary and the Diplomatic and Consular Bureaus, 1797-1946.Reports of bureau officers, 1790-1911. Miscellaneous records,1834-1943.
59.4.2 Records relating to appointments and commissions
History: The act creating the Department of State required theSecretary of State to record all civil commissions of U.S.officials appointed by the President and to affix the Great Sealto such documents. Beginning in 1874, the responsibility for non-Presidential appointments was transferred to the executivedepartments that had jurisdiction over the appointees.
Textual Records: Applications and recommendations for publicoffice, 1797-1924; with registers, 1813-99, and index, 1797-1877.Letters of resignation and declination, 1789-1895, 1904, 1974,with index. Copies of Presidential nominations for federaloffices sent to the Senate, 1928-69. Copies of Senate resolutionsof confirmation or rejection of nominations, 1794-1970.Acceptances and orders for commissions, 1789-1893. Authorizationlists, 1929-55. Copies of commissions, 1789-1965, with lists andrecord cards, 1776-1952. Oaths of office, 1799-1962. Consularbonds, 1796-1826, 1853-56. Orders of suspension of variousofficers, 1869-87.
59.4.3 Territorial papers
History: The State Department supervised affairs in U.S.territories from 1789 to 1873. An act of March 1, 1873 (17 Stat.484), transferred that function to the Secretary of the Interior.
Textual Records: Correspondence, reports, and copies of journalsof proceedings of legislative assemblies ('Territorial Papers'),1764-1873 (70 vols.). Index to territorial papers, 1857-63.Records relating to Puerto Rico, 1900-6.
Finding Aids: David W. Parker, Calendar of Papers in WashingtonArchives Relating to the Territories, 1911.
59.4.4 Records relating to treaties
Textual Records: Drafts of treaties negotiated in Washington, DC,1852-82. Records relating to the revision of the Treaty of Yedo(with Japan), 1872. Reciprocity negotiations, 1848-54, 1884-85,1891-92. A convention with Denmark for the purchase of the DanishWest Indies, 1899-1902. Correspondence regarding the Canadian-Alaskan boundary, 1899-1903. Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty ofMarch 26, 1979, and related documents.
Related Records: Original U.S. treaties in RG 11, General Recordsof the U.S. Government. Most records relating to treatynegotiations with Indian tribes in RG 48, Records of the Officeof the Secretary of the Interior, and RG 75, Records of theBureau of Indian Affairs. Records relating to the Senate's adviceand consent to the ratification of U.S. treaties in RG 46,Records of the U.S. Senate.
59.4.5 Miscellaneous records relating to functions
Textual Records: Records relating to the recording, printing, and distribution of laws, 1789-1849. General pardon records, 1789-1869, and copies of Presidential pardons and remissions, 1793-1893. Commissions of foreign consuls and executors issued to them, 1790-1968, with index, 1820-1910. Records relating to the publication of the Biennial Register of federal employees, 1819-53. Miscellaneous census records, 1830-70. Copies of the seals of states, territories, and foreign governments, 1833-1937. Extradition case files ,warrants of arrest and extradition, and other extradition records, 1836-1930. Letters requesting authentication of documents, 1843-50, 1903, with registers, 1856-59. Records relating to the deaths of U.S. citizens in foreign countries, 1857-1922. Records relating to the Great Seal of the United States, including warrants for affixing the seal, 1878-1952. Reports of consular courts in extraterritorial jurisdictions, 1907-29. Records relating to international copyright matters, 1923-59. Foreign Service inspection records, including inspection reports on diplomatic posts, 1925-39, and consular posts, 1896-1939. Records relating to Equal Opportunity Employment and Minority Employment in the State Department, 1943-66. Records relating to the Vital Records Program for Emergency Planning, 1950-67. Central and miscellaneous files relating to science and technology, 1950-68. Records relating to disarmament control, 1961-66. Records relating to immigration and the national origins system, 1962-66. Records relating to emergency evacuation and relief, 1962-66. Records relating to the emphasis on youth program, 1963-67. Reports of deaths of American citizens, 1963-64. Estate case files: inventory of effects and final statement of accounts, 1963-75. Records relating to atomic energy, 1963-66.
Maps (303 items): Enclosures to inspection reports on ForeignService posts, 1906-39, consisting chiefly of municipal mapspublished in foreign languages and annotated to show theconsulates, embassies, customhouses, business districts, andother features mentioned in the reports. SEE ALSO 59.6.
Motion Pictures (1 reel): The Minds of Men, depicting a worldwidesurvey of UNESCO activities, from the records of the U.S.National Commission for UNESCO, 1966. SEE ALSO 59.7.
Finding Aids: George Brent and Kent Carter, comps., InspectionReports on Foreign Service Posts, 1906-1939, SL 37 (1974).
Related Records: Petitions for pardon and pardons after 1853 inRG 204, Records of the Office of the Pardon Attorney.
59.5.1 Records relating to commissions, missions, and committees
Textual Records: Reports of Presidential commissions to study thefeasibility of a canal across the Central American isthmus, 1875,and across Nicaragua, 1897-99. Records of the PresidentialCommission to Investigate the Philippine Islands, 1898-1901.Correspondence and minutes of the Thomas Jefferson StatueCommission, 1904-8. Correspondence and case files of the NationalAlien Enemy Relief Committee, 1918-19. Records of the StateDepartment mission in South Russia, 1920. Records of the StateDepartment representative on the Advisory Committee on theNational Archives Building, 1929-30. Copies of notes to theInternational Sanitary Commission regarding epidemic diseases,1931-41. Correspondence, minutes, and memorandums of the JointPreparatory Committee on Philippine Affairs, 1934-40. Reports ofthe Special Interrogation Mission to Germany, 1945-46. Records ofthe Edwin W. Pauley reparations missions to Germany, Japan,Korea, and Manchuria, 1945-48. Records of the missions of Gen.George C. Marshall to China, 1945-47, and Gen. Albert C.Wedemeyer to China and Korea, 1947. Records of the U.S.Reparations and Restitution Delegation, Tokyo, 1947-49. Recordsof the U.S. Citizens Commission on NATO (North Atlantic TreatyOrganization), 1960-62.
Maps (326 items): Germany, Austria, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, andother areas, compiled by the Pauley reparations missions, 1945-46, with related aerial photographs. SEE ALSO 59.6.
59.5.2 Miscellaneous records
Textual Records: Records relating to impressed seamen, 1794-1815.Miscellaneous War of 1812 records, 1812-15. Records relating toactivities of pirates and privateers, 1813-35. Correspondencerelating to guano islands, and bonds of guano companies, 1852-1912. Miscellaneous Civil War records, including 'secretcorrespondence,' 1861-66. Civil War amnesty and pardon records,1863-67. Copies of the 'Sisson Documents' on German-Bolshevikcooperation, and records relating to the investigation of theirauthenticity, 1917-21. Correspondence on the licensing of armsand munitions for export to Mexico, 1919-23, 1927. Memorandumsrelating to Japanese activities in Manchuria, 1930-33. Circularnotes to foreign missions in Washington, 1933-42. Memorandums oninternational law for the Digest of International Law, 1934-42.Miscellaneous petitions to the President, 1938-40. Reports onJapanese economic conditions, 1938-45. Records relating to theestablishment of the United Nations, 1941-45. Files of therepresentative of the President to Pope Pius XII, 1942-50. Filesof Charles Bohlen, 1942-52. Intelligence reports of thePsychological Warfare Branch, Allied Force Headquarters, 1944-45.Records maintained by Hubert Havlik, Chief of the Division ofLend-Lease and Surplus War Property Affairs, 1944-47. The'Argentine Blue Book,' a memorandum on Argentina's relations withGermany and Italy during World War II, and records relating toits compilation, 1945-46. The 'Palestine files' of Dean Rusk andRobert McClintock, 1947-49. Records of Arthur Zimmerman Gardner,1947-49. Records of the State Department's participation in theAmerican Revolution Bicentennial Celebration, 1970-76.
59.5.3 Records relating to individual Presidents or
Textual Records: Records relating to foreign gift items, 1937-45(in Roosevelt Library). Files of congratulatory letters toPresident Harry S. Truman following the 1948 elections, 1948-49(in Truman Library). Condolence messages and books from U.S.embassies and consulates, and from foreign governments, on thedeaths of President Truman, 1972 (in Truman Library); PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower, 1969 (in Eisenhower Library); and PresidentJohn F. Kennedy, 1963 (in Kennedy Library).
Maps and Charts: Facsimiles of the Mitchell map of the UnitedStates, 1775 (1 item), and the Disturnell map of Mexico, 1847 (1item). Charts of the Atlantic Ocean, 1887 (1 item) and theMarianas, ca. 1890 (1 item). Maps of Texas, 1844 (1 item), theVirgin Islands, 1855 (1 item), and Alaska, 1867 (1 item). Basemap of Liberia, 1922 (1 item). Japanese map of Northern SakhalinIsland, 1870 (1 item). French-language map of Tortuga Island,Haiti, 1889 (1 item). Early maps of Korea and the world, n.d. (2items).
SEE Maps UNDER 59.3.7, 59.3.10, 59.4.5, and 59.5.1.
Construction of the Panama Canal, 1911; training and duties ofForeign Service officers, 1938; buildings and grounds of the U.S.Legation at San Salvador, El Salvador, 1926; activities of theU.S. Minister in La Paz, Bolivia, 1929; July 4 celebration inShanghai, 1924; signing of the Japanese surrender, 1945; U.S.participation in the United Nations, including the Korean action,1950; UNESCO activities in Mexico, Europe, and Asia, 1947;Marshall Plan activities in Greece and Great Britain, 1950;propaganda produced during and following World War II, with soundtracks in several foreign languages, 1943-46; Japaneserepatriates embarking on the Swedish Red Cross ship, SSGripsholm, and the loading of American and Canadian Red Crosssupplies, 1943; World War II damage and reconstruction in Italy,1950; Arab refugees in the Gaza Strip, 1950; Brussels World'sFair, including the American Pavilion, 1957; and televisionappearances by Secretaries of State Dean Rusk and ChristianHerter, and other State Department officials, 1959-65.
SEE UNDER 59.3.9, 59.3.11, and 59.4.5.
Foreign policy broadcasts by Secretaries of State Cordell Hull,John Foster Dulles, and Christian Herter, 1938-60 (8 items).Recordings of the NBC public service program, 'Good NeighborBrazilian Hour,' 1942 (3 items). 'And Then Came War,' adramatization of world history for the period 1918-39, n.d. (1item). 'Robert Shaw Conducts,' broadcast from San Francisco onthe United Nations' tenth anniversary, 1955 (2 items).
Atomic Action Bandcamp
SEE UNDER 59.3.9.
SEE Photographs UNDER 59.3.2, 59.3.8, 59.3.9, and 59.3.11.SEE Photographs and Drawings UNDER 59.3.2, 59.3.7, and 59.3.9.SEE Photographs and Posters UNDER 59.3.9.SEE Posters UNDER 59.3.2.
Atomic Records Hours
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.
Atomic Records Burbank
Corrective Measure are a band from Maine that plays an old school form of hardcore and this is a review of their self titled 2016 ep which was released by Atomic Action! Records.
A very hard and heavy sound starts off the ep while you can also hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording and after awhile hardcore style shouting vocals are added into the music and when the songs speed up they also bring in the raw energy of punk and the music is rooted in the 80's.
Most of the songs are very short in length while the music brings in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and the music is very heavily influenced by the east coast style of hardcore while some songs also bring up in back up gang shouts and the whole ep also ramins heavy from beginning to ending of the recording and there is also a brief use of melodic guitar leads.
Corrective Measure plays a style of hardcore that is more rooted in the 80's and 90's while also ignoring all modern trends, the production sounds very old school while the lyrics cover dark and violent themes.
In my opinion Corrective Measure are a very great sounding old school style hardcore band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this ep. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE 'No Acceptance' and 'Resort to Violence'. 8 out of 10.